Thursday, March 19, 2020

[tensorflow certification] 2-2. What's the Linear Regression? (Including Test, machine learning which algorithms is made by tensorflow)

Hello. I'm DVM who talk about tensorflow certification Today, I will explain the basic Concept about Linear Regression. 

If you haven't seen the previous lecture, I recommend that watch the previous lecture. 

 First. What's the Linear Regression? -> 

Wikipedia said that In linear regression, the relationships are modeled using linear predictor functions whose unknown model parameters are estimated from the data. 

 Second. How to train Linear Regression ? ->

The linear regression equation can be obatined by adjusting the weight and bias. The weight and bias are obtained by minimizing the difference a correct answer and the linear hypothesis equation. 

Third. How to minimize the cost function? Because the cost function is made by square of the error, it has a convex form.

 Therefore, the minimum value is found by multiplying the differential value by the learning rate. This method is called gradient decendent. 

 Fourth, How to set the learning rate? We can't learn the learning rate. It must be decided by the developer. So It is called hyper parameter that the developer should decide. 

If it is too large, It will not converge. 

 If it is too small, it will take a long time. 

 FIfth. Practice using tensorflow Let's make a Linear Regression using tensorflow Last lecture, 

We build the simple tensorflow graph first. we make a operation using tensorflow constant which is node in the graph second. we launch the default graph using tensorflow.session third. Calculate the Operation using 

 In this lecture, We use the tensorflow variable and gradient decent optimizer function. tensroflow variable is transiable variable. Its constructor requires an initial value for the variable. The initial value defines the type and shape of the variable and variables must be initialized by running tensorlfow global variable initializer. if we use tensorflow train gradient decent optimizer, we have to set learning rate. Because it is hyper parameter. 


Let's make Linear Regression

In [0]:
import tensorflow as tf

Let's set the train variable

In [0]:
_x_train = [1.3,2.3,3.4]
_y_train = [1.1,2.2,3.3]

Let's set the tensorflow variable

In [0]:
_w = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([1]),name='weight')
_b = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([1]),name='bias')

model the Linear Function

In [0]:
_hypothesis = _x_train*_w+_b

Define the cost function

In [0]:
_cost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(_hypothesis - _y_train)) 

Use the gradient decent method and set the learning rate at 0.1

In [0]:
_optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate = 0.1)
_train = _optimizer.minimize(_cost)

Build the graph using session and operate using

In [0]:
_sess = tf.Session()

Let's try training of Linear Regression

In [18]:
for _step in range(3000):
  if _step %200 == 0:
0 2.434582 [0.67592114] [2.1501951]
200 0.00073971733 [1.034128] [-0.20952734]
400 0.0006092935 [1.0466375] [-0.24210295]
600 0.0006092683 [1.0468248] [-0.24259053]
800 0.00060926395 [1.0468274] [-0.2425974]
1000 0.00060926395 [1.0468274] [-0.2425974]
1200 0.00060926395 [1.0468274] [-0.2425974]
1400 0.00060926395 [1.0468274] [-0.2425974]
1600 0.00060926395 [1.0468274] [-0.2425974]
1800 0.00060926395 [1.0468274] [-0.2425974]
2000 0.00060926395 [1.0468274] [-0.2425974]
2200 0.00060926395 [1.0468274] [-0.2425974]
2400 0.00060926395 [1.0468274] [-0.2425974]
2600 0.00060926395 [1.0468274] [-0.2425974]
2800 0.00060926395 [1.0468274] [-0.2425974]

What's the optimal weight and bias?

In [19]:
array([1.0468274], dtype=float32)
In [20]:
array([-0.2425974], dtype=float32)

Let's draw Linear Regression and Training data

In [25]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
_x = np.arange(0,4,0.01)
sixth. Exam. Let's solve the problem and if wrong, please watch this video again from the beginnig untill get 100 points. 

 First. What's the Linear Regression? 

= The relationships are modeled using linear predictor functions whose unknown model parameters are estimated from the data. x -> linear 

 Second. How to minimize the cost function in this video? ( ? ) method -> 

gradient descent

 Third. What is this that the developer has to decide for himself?

 Third. It is called hyper parameter that the developer should decide such as learning rate. 

 Fourth, This code is right? No, variables must be initialized by running tensorlfow global variable initializer. 

 Thank you for watching this video. Please click the like and subscriber and I appreciate your feedback in comments.

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